Our partner GEOCOND awarded for climate-friendly heat and power generation

As part of the Bazan Group, Ducor Petrochemicals is always looking for sustainable solutions to improve our future. Our partner GEOCOND received this year’s award for outstanding geothermal heat and power plants in Bavaria, Germany.
Major players in European energy market are not sitting on their haunches waiting EU economy to decarbonize itself. EU funded GEOCOND project, of which Carmel Olefins is a part since its inception, aims at encouraging energy supplers and consumers to use geothermal energy as a critical component for a climate-friendly power supply. In Bavaria, Germany, there are already 23 geothermal power generation plants demonstrating how a combined supply of heat and electricity from the heat of the earth can look. During the 2019 Praxisforum Geothermie Bayern conference, two companies took home awards in the categories of power and heat generation, recognizing their efforts and outcomes – Erdwärme Grünwald, for best heating output, and Geothermie Traunreut, for the best power output. By maximizing Shallow Geothermal Energy Systems and Underground Thermal Storage use, households will benefit from a more secure and cost-efficient power supply, and GEOCOND consortium facilitates using of this energy source via improving performance and cost-efficiency of the systems.
Read the original article here.