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Transparent communication with our stakeholders is crucial to making well-informed, sustainable business decisions.

Community & Communication

Employee engagement, community involvement, customer satisfaction, and government participation are the pillars of our sustainable business model.


Ducor Petrochemicals depends on engaged employees to develop, manufacture and market sustainable products that benefit society and improve the quality of people’s lives. For employees to perform at their best, they must feel respected and supported.

That’s why we are committed to fostering an open and participative work environment, based on transparent communication around current policies and procedures. We believe that constructive dialogue is central to ensuring employee and management alignment on common goals and key issues.


We recognize that we affect the lives of people in our local communities, e.g. pertaining to environmental impact or social benefits. To better understand that effect, we maintain long-standing connections with the local community and actively initiate conversations with their members. We contribute in meaningful ways to local charitable work and social programs, and we encourage our employees to volunteer and do the same.

We believe it serves everyone in the community to discuss opinions regarding our operations. Therefore, we offer information to the public pertaining to any ongoing or new projects.


Our industrial customers use our products to manufacture a very wide variety of consumer end products. Hence we put a lot of effort in advising our customers about the safe handling of our products, so they in turn can protect their employees and consumers. We do this in writing and via customer meetings, with a focus on health, safety and environmental precautions.

Communication with our customers is not just one-way traffic. We regularly conduct surveys to better understand our customers’ priorities and to gather their feedback about our performance with respect to commercial, quality, supply, service and technical matters.


Our focus on transparency also translates to the ways in which we deal with governments and regulators. We participate in industry lobby associations to promote legislation and policy that we think will benefit our company, local community and wider society. In turn, if we have special expertise about an issue, we may offer our counsel to regulators.

When carrying out these tasks, we make sure that our corporate goals and culture of transparency and consistency are respected. Furthermore we comply with all applicable laws concerning lobbying disclosure and expenditures.

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